Going with the flow can be a scary idea for some people, simply because it means letting go of expectations —the number one killer of confidence. If you feel like you are constantly disappointed, it can be hard to just ride the flow. If you go with the flow, this does not mean that you have no power to create the life and career you want.
Here are four ways to make great things happen just by riding the flow of life.
Plan Less; Free Form
Do you have a plan for every hour of every day? If so, you are leaving little room in your life for riding the flow and being spontaneous. Maybe something larger would appear by just taking the action steps necessary to go in the DIRECTION you want to go, but not necessarily know the outcome in advance. Personally, any plan I’ve ever put on paper has never been the plan that ended up being successful —it was constantly pivoting while riding the flow. It is perfectly okay to have a solid plan for the day, but don’t overwhelm yourself by planning every moment of your day. Let yourself flow with the day.
Control Your Thoughts, It’s the Only Thing You Have Control Over
Practice gratitude, positive affirmations, and positive visualization to help your channel your thoughts into positive ones. There’s a reason why athletes, entertainers, and CEOs all take training in this discipline. A negative state of mind will keep you from going with the flow. Being able to look at things with a positive mindset will help you stay in the flow.
Don’t Play the Victim
Many people don’t even know when they are lost in the victim role. They think they are strong and in control, but in reality, they are not. They are blaming their negative circumstances on everyone and everything else. This keeps you from riding with the flow because other people and other situations are controlling the direction you go. You are in control of your thoughts and direction in life, even if you do not have control over everything that comes your way.
Be More Cooperative and Willing to Help
Make the best of every situation that happens to you by being more cooperative. Look at everything from every angle and not just from your own perspective. A lesson can always be learned. Go with the flow and be patient when something does not go your way. Not every bad thing ends up being the bad thing you thought it was — it’s just a time where you were forced to follow a different course that was probably always the right way in the first place.
Choose Your Response
Keep in mind that your reactions and responses dictate how you experience life. As things happen, learn to choose the best response possible so you continue to move in the positive flow of life. Choose patience, understanding and react positively and you will find that your experiences are much more rewarding, as well as less stressful.
Trying to control every situation in life will lead you to a lot of disappointment and will cause you to miss out on some of the most fun experiences in life. Some of the best memories are made when there is no planning involved. Going with the flow doesn’t mean relinquishing all control, it just means that you allow positive things to happen to you without forcing it.