We all want to up our gains in the new year. While we’re all focused on growing our businesses, wealth, and success, we should also be investing in our relationships with others. 

When People Work Together, Magic Happens 

When it comes to business, trust is currency. 

I was reading a great article from Forbes recently that discussed how building trust is essential for developing your brand’s credibility — with both your clients and your team members. 

Building trust is critical for achieving the maximum potential of your team, as well as ensuring that your clients are having the best possible experience when doing business with you. 

Why Clients Demand Trust 

According to the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report, 70% of consumers say that trusting a brand is more important than ever. 53% of respondents said that trusting a company is the most important factor when making a buying decision — even more than price. 

A report by Accenture found that more than 7,000 companies said that trust was as important for the financial health of a company as growth and profitability — and losing trust leads to a significant reduction of revenue. 

Trust is what converts prospective consumers into real clients. Looking one step further, trust is what transforms a one-touch client into a repeat brand enthusiast. 

Your clients know that your company is dependable and always delivers the maximum value, encouraging them to keep coming back. 

Why Your Team Needs Trust 

Trust is also what attracts high-performance individuals to your company. 

Trust allows you to retain talent. Your team members need to know that they’re invested in a business that cares for them.

What encourages your team members to give their work their absolute all is trust. They know that what they put in is appreciated, and ultimately benefiting the entire organization — themselves included. 

3 Ways to Create More Trust in 2022 

Incorporating trust-building activities and exercises into your business operations can make a quantum difference in your success. Each time your sphere gets closer, your business gets stronger. 

Here are some ways that you can build trust for your product, your services, your brand, and your team members. 

#1. Offer Solutions, Not “Products” 

Are you selling, or helping? 

Your business should prioritize service to clients over selling products. When your business offers real value to customers, your clients won’t need convincing to work with you. 

The motivation behind your business should be helping people, providing real value, and making a positive impact in the lives of your clients. 

#2. Always Keep Your Word

If you say something, you need to follow through. This is true for both your team and clients. 

Be as transparent as possible. Never pull tricks or hide catches in the fine print. It’s better to be forthcoming than to sneakily try to trick people into working with you. 

#3. Create a Trustworthy Online Presence 

Your website and social media pages should provide an accurate picture of what your business is like. 

Use your online platforms to speak to your clients, teaching them about your brand and building credibility. Don’t waste your content on sly marketing and eye-catching ads. Instead, speak to your brand’s real value proposition. 

Add “Trust Building” To Your New Year’s Resolutions 

All in all, the quality of a company’s culture is largely determined by the amount of trust that’s shared between leaders, team members, and clients.