Let’s face it, business is all about cultivating harmonious teamwork. Now will be a test to not only create that harmonious culture — but to have to do it when we’re not always together. (And, likely, via Zoom!) You’re only as good as the team members behind you. True success lies in the whole team striving for more as a unit. If you really want to 10x your success and fulfillment, you’re going to need to get your team members as excited as you are. This is especially true now, in a time of dramatic and traumatic change. 

We want to go beyond the baseline, do more than just meet deadlines, and extend far beyond the mere minimum. A winner’s mindset isn’t just focused on finishing the race - they’re after the gold medal. Doing your day-to-day job will now take on the extra push into creativity to do things we normally did a certain way — but to now do them differently, with the same impact. 

I’ve discussed this in some previous blog posts, but I believe this is one of the best pieces of advice for anyone looking to significantly ‘level-up’ their professional careers. Here are some do-able strategies that can encourage your team to do more: 

Lead By Example

You can’t seriously expect anyone to follow your advice if you’re not following it yourself. As cliche as it sounds, team leaders need to practice what they preach — now, more than ever. Leading by example is a must for encouraging your team to go above and beyond in their work. Take a moment to examine what you’re saying and make sure it’s seamlessly reflecting in your actions.

Give Them Room to Breathe

Once you’ve assigned a task or set a deadline, it’s time to step away and let your team do what they need to do. No one wants someone checking-up on them every 5 minutes or breathing over their neck as they’re trying to get their work on. Sometimes, walking away is the best thing for productivity. 

Don’t forget that many of your team members have also taken on the role of teacher. We’re all balancing more than we ever have before — paired with the stress and anxiety that come with the times. 

Incorporate Joy

What’s the worth if there’s no joy in it? As we engage in the various challenges that come our way, life should be playful and fun. Don’t be afraid to turn basic work tasks into a game. Your team will be more likely to bring their A-game if they’re enjoying themselves compared to an unengaged group that’s dragging their feet. You might even consider a Zoom happy hour! 

Cut Out Distractions

When a workflow is constantly getting interrupted by emails, texts, and getting @-ed on social media, and now, working in a place that isn’t your normal - it’s difficult to stay inspired. The momentum doesn’t stay strong when the energy is getting siphoned into other non-essential areas. 

Encourage your team members to cut out on distractions and hone into their tasks at hand. That way, they’ll be working smarter - not harder. Don’t be a tyrant here, but do remind them that it’s in their best interest to follow this advice. Keeping up the inspo will help the team streamline their tasks.

Don’t Let Lofty Goals Discourage Your Team 

In case you missed it, my recent blog post was all about bosses balancing expectations with reality. As a team leader, it’s easy to come off as overbearing when we’re excited and fired up. But when does your motivation actually become an inhibitor? It’s a fine line, but mastering this skill is a pro-hack for polishing your leadership skills. 

These 5 tips help me get my team members excited and ready to give it their all, but it all boils down to making sure the team is happy, healthy, and supported every step of the way. What do you do to keep the momentum strong among your team’s work ethic?